  • Function of elastic bandage, method of use of elastic bandage
    Jun 22 , 2020

    Function of elastic bandage, method of use of elastic bandage

    Function of elastic bandage, method of use of elastic bandage Elastic bandage is the most convenient and practical, whether it is the immediate brake after injury or the auxiliary fixation during rehabilitation. WHAT ELASTIC BANDAGES DO: Elastic bandage is easy to use, beautiful and generous, suitable pressure, good permeability, not easy to infection, is conducive to rapid wound healing, rapid ba...
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  • medical glove
    Jun 22 , 2020

    medical glove

    What is the medical glove material Disposable medical latex gloves are pre-powder and powder free Abstract: Medical gloves are disposable protective gloves. They are mainly used to place cross-infection between doctors and patients and protect doctors' hands from injury.There are many kinds of medical gloves, including latex, nitrile, polyethylene and POLYvinyl chloride.Medical gloves can be divid...
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  • medical mask
    Jun 22 , 2020

    medical mask

    Sharing knowledge about wearing masks Medical masks are divided into three types. The first type is rectangular in structure.The second is a disposable medical mask, which is rectangular in structure similar to a surgical mask.The third type is a medical protective mask with a higher level of protection. In terms of use, the medical protective mask is of the highest grade. In the novel Coronavirus...
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A total of 18 pages

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